
A Letter To My Best Friend

Dear Best Friend, I want to thank you for being such an amazing companion to me. You come along most important people in my life. It actually gets difficult to say all this in person so I am writing this for you.   I know this sounds very 90’s but I had to. Thank you for all the time I have been stupid, arrogant and hardest to deal with person and you always knew what exactly I wanted to hear or when exactly I need to be heard. Thank you for all those times when you called just to force me to have my dinner. Thank you for taking care of me even when we were miles apart. Thank you for being there with me whenever I cried. Thank you for handling me when I wasn’t able to handle things alone.   Thanks for making me realise that I can be ruthless person as well as the most compassionate one. Thanks for never giving up on me and not letting me down ever. You have always made me smile, you have given me a safe place to cry, you have taken all my tantru

A Story To Be Told...

A story to be told… It has been almost 6 years since I have been fighting it, and the worst that’s been said to me is: “You’re overthinking.” “Is that all you’re depressed about?” “Stop overreacting all the time.” This is not me overreacting or overthinking my thoughts over and over again. This is me dealing and suffering with depression. This is my demon running its black toxins through my head, poisoning my thoughts and feelings. It is not an emotion, it is an illness. A completely illogical illness. From everyone else’s point, they see the most positive thing going in my life. But when it strikes, at least for me, it makes me feel as if a part of my mind has turned off the switch to be able to enjoy or feel things. It makes me feel as if my brain has sniffed off my personality and misplaced it somewhere else. I am there but not there at the same time. I didn’t choose it. It came to me and the worst thing is that it is still hard to


  According to WHO 800,000 people die of suicide every year. That equates to one every 40 seconds. A person’s mind has a lot to do with it. We go for our body check-ups very often. But what about our minds? What about mental health? Do we even bother to care for our minds? Why mental health is yet not a priority for any Indian? “Why talking about mental health is still a taboo in this great country of ours?”   When living with depression, we feel the need to keep distance from other people. We may also feel that we don’t have anyone to talk to. And we end up spending time worrying about how to cope up with it alone. Depression can cause many people to feel lonely. It results in people withdrawing from relationships and new interactions as they don’t have power to maintain them. This withdrawal can then sustain the thought of worthlessness and hopelessness and leads in worsening of the situation. Sadness, anxiety, guilt, self-loathing just won’t go

Bihari: An Identity

  Bihari : Why An Obscenity, Not Identity? Here goes a story about a state which used to be a great cultural and political heritage. A state currently struggling for its lost identity due to lack of infrastructural and socioeconomic development as compared to other Indian states. Yes here I am talking about a complication less discussed but constantly experienced by us. The chauvinism of being a BIHAR.   When we think of Bihar, your brain functions and shows you an image of an uncivilized, uneducated, backward class and criminal minded society setup. Whereas with a very clear voice I proclaim you that Bihar is way ahead of what your mental setup and detrimental opinion. Every Bihari has to accept the social abuse disregarding of his level of education, class of employment and place of residence wherever in the country. Biharis are unnecessarily criticised to be the main reason of all the problems. And no state has ever done any sort of justice wit

letter to my younger self

Dear 16 year old Prachi, Life is hard. I know but you are going to be okay. It’s time to adapt a new lifestyle one that is devoted to positivity. Remember that you are in full control of your thoughts and emotions. Some things are just meant to happen, but not meant to be. Continue looking for new things to do that’ll take you so far. I wish you had been nicer to your parents. Of course they didn’t understand you (whose parents understand them?) but they did care about you, even though they didn’t know how to show it. Just think for once how life would have been hard for them too. They love you more than any boy could ever love you. And there is no way you could ever repay them for what they do for you. These next few years are going to be hard. Harder than you can even imagine right now. As much as you want to hold your breath and close your eyes, keep them open and breathe. While this is the scariest time in your life, and will probably always be, feel it all. Witness

Mental health of a PCOD patient

Hormones are incredible! They do so much good in our body as well as they can create a huge chaos in our life as well. In 2019, I was officially diagnosed with polycystic ovarian disease commonly known as PCOD. It is a hormonal disorder causing enlarged ovaries with small cysts on the outer edge. My periods have been irregular and painful since the beginning. And when I went to the doctor she told me about the condition. It was a great shock to me as I came to know that one out of 5 women is suffering from this very disease. She asked me to get my ultrasound done, and VOILA! The disease wasn't the bad news, the bad news is that there is no cure to this. My mind wasn't ready to accept this piece of information. I was gaining weight and losing my hairs. Isn't it supposed to be opposite in terms of the definition of the standard set by society? Life became a struggle with irregular periods, obesity, cysts, hair loss and depression. And by far I have experienced, th